26 Nov 2010

Total Phisycal Response

Total Physical Response was developed in order to reduce the stress people feel when studying foreign languages. one of the primary ways is to allow learners to speak when they are ready. forcing them to speak before then will only create anxiety.
the emphasis of this method is on students' developing basic communication skills and vocabulary through their receiving meaningful exposure to the target language.
the teacher dominates the class and always uses imperative sentence to give commands. teacher should be tolerant of students' errors.
techniques of this method are :
- using commands to direct behavior
- role reversal
- action sequence

this method is usually used to teach young learners.

19 Nov 2010

The Silent Way

The silent way is an innovative method. It is students oriented. Students' errors are seen as natural, indispensable part of the learning process. The teacher works with the students in getting them to self-correct. Teacher don't want to help students, if they don't want help themselves. The main tools of this methods are silence and charts.
There are several techniques of this methods :
- Sound-color chart
- Teacher's silence
- Peer correction
- Rods
- Self-correction gestures
- Word chart
- Fidel charts
- Structured feedback

6 Nov 2010


Desuggestopedia is students’ feeling oriented. Every student has a new identity to stimulate their mental, so they do not worry about their errors. Errors are corrected gently, not in a direct. Its purpose is to accelerate the process to use the language. Teachers must use English all the time, native language is used when necessary.

There are several techniques of this method :

- classroom set-up

- peripheral learning

- positive suggestion

- choose a new identity

- role play

- first concert

- second concert

- primary activation

- creative adaptation

Most of these techniques make students relax and comfort, so their learning will be facilitated.

21 Oct 2010

The Audio-Lingual Method

The Audio-Lingual Method, like the Direct Method we have just examined, is also an oral-based approach. Its purpose is helping students to use the target language communicatively. So, no translation and mistakes are allowed. The teacher always acts as a model and controls the language behavior of her students. She should be native like. There are several techniques of this method such as

- dialogue memorization

- backward build-up drill

- repetition drill

- chain drill

- single-slot substitution drill

- multiple-slot substitution drill

- transformation drill

- question-and-answer drill

- use of minimal pairs

- complete the dialogue

- grammar game

All of techniques of this method are teacher-directed.

15 Oct 2010

The Direct Method

The Direct Method’s principles have been used by language teachers for many years. It has one very basic rule : No translation is allowed, because its purpose is helping students to use the target language communicatively. So, teachers must use target language as a vehicle, not an object to be learned.

There are several techniques of this method :

- reading aloud

- question and answer exercise

- getting students to self-correct

- conversation practice

- fill-in-the-blank exercise

- dictation

- map drawing

- paragraph writing.

Most of these techniques are effective to make students communicate in target language, as the main purpose of this method.

11 Oct 2010

Understanding and Using English Grammar

buku karangan Betty Schrampfer Azar ini bagus buat yang pengen belajar English Grammar yang mungkin emank repot banget.
buku ini punya penjelasan yang bener-bener rinci tentang grammar.
udah lengkap dg contoh-contoh n penjelasan tambahan yang sekiranya kita kurang paham.
cuma, emank 1buku ini isinya bhasa inggris smua, jd paling gk ngerti bhasa inggris dikit-dikit bisa bantu buat pahamin apa isinya..

ada d toko-toko buku terdekat (kalah iklan)

buku ini bnyak dipake koq.. (aq jg pake') hhe

Joyful Learning

Dari seminar yang pernah saya ikuti yang diadakan universitas saya, ada cara pembelajaran yang unik-unik.
memang seminar ini ditujukan buat para guru n calon guru, agar mereka dapat menyalurkan ilmu yang mereka miliki dg cara yg menyenangkan.
sebenarnya salah satu pembicaranya itu Menteri Pendidikan RI, tp gtw kenapa gk bisa datang.
tapi, pembicara yang laen keren-keren juga. banyak bawa media pembelajaran yang bener-bener gk wajar. :p (misalnya : sate tokoh, puzzle benua, itu semua handmade n kadang ada yg dr bahan bekas)
pesertanya jg gk dari surabaya aja, ada dari jember, madura, n wilayah Jatim laennya, tapi ada yg dari semarang, palu, dll (gk apal drmn aja,hhe).

disini, guru-guru diberi masukan yg membantu untuk menghadapi persaingan bebas dengan menjadi seorang guru produktif, kreatif, dan inovatif.
memang sudah banyak lahir guru-guru baru di negara kita ini, tapi mungkin hanya mengajar dg cara yang biasa n media yang sudah biasa digunakan.

intinya guru-guru diharapkan bisa menarik minat murid-muridnya untuk belajar dg serius tapi menyenangkan.
jangan dikira anak TK aja yang belajar sambil main, siswa tingkat atas juga perlu sistem pembelajaran yang menyenangkan.

Syarat joyful learning :
- terencana
- melibatkan semua siswa
- imajinatif
- menyenangkan
- menantang
- menarik
- ekspresif
- asosiatif
- adanya proses belajar

udaaaah,, jadi guru musti kreatif, cerdaskan anak bangsa...!

8 Oct 2010

The Grammar-Translation Method

Grammar-Translation Method has been used by language teachers for many years.
But, this method was used for the purpose of helping students read and appreciate foreign language literature, not used to communicate.
The teacher is the authority in the classroom. The student do as she/he says so they can learn what she know. So, class is not using target language communicatively.
There are several techniques of this method :
- translation of a literary passage
- reading comprehension questions
- antonyms/synonyms
- cognates
- deductive application of rule
- fill-in-the-blanks
- memorization
- use word in sentences, and
- composition
Many techniques in this method are not too effective, but there are still some useful techniques associated with this method.
Learning a foreign language not only to be able to read the literature written in the target language, but also to communicate.

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